I remember a couple of years ago, riding with my boyfriend at the time, I said to him, I pray I'll always have this feeling of being filled coming from church. And after six years I STILL have that feeling! I believe it comes from the entire worship experience. Is there a fire breathing service that comes forth every Sunday; no! However, whether it's a song that was sung, an encouraging word from a fellow parishioner, or laughing with my close friends; there's always something that happens on Sunday's at the Eb that gives me what I need for the week ahead. The more I grow as a believer, the more I know the importance of being a part of a church where you're growing spiritually. If I can be completely transparent, lately I've been extremely uninspired. The last month and a half I've been faced with some significant challenges. Some due to making poor decisions, others have just been attributed to the normal ebb and flow of life. I know that on the other side of this season of difficulty, there will be a true testimony.
I will say that through it all, I've had the support of my church, my family and my friends. Which nothing, in my opinion, can beat that, it's reassurance that God is with me through it all. 
On Sunday's where I have nothing to wear I rely on a simple dress and accessories. This morning literally forcing myself to get out the door, I grabbed one my go-to dresses. This particular look requires minimal effort to creating a great look.
The zebra print and the fit of the dress is enough to make a statement. Add in a simple pump and a bold lip and you're ready to go!
Hope you enjoy!
Deets on the Fit:
Pumps: Lolashoetique
Necklace: Ebay
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